Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Im Back!

I haven't been on here for a long time...typical Mandy, start something and never finish it! But I have made a promise to myself to continue this on. It is sort of a self discovery or maybe mental health therapy, who really knows.

Its been a good couple of months since the last time I posted, but one thing that bothered me is my friends. Now before I get phone calls yelling at me, let me explain. Since I have found out I have MS I will admit that I have been in some sort of mild depression. I noticed pulling myself from people and I feel bad for doing it. Im no way mad at them, but more mad at myself. I have a group of friends who I consider my "best" friends and I feel like I haven't been in contact with them as much as I should be. Some of them are helping plan a huge fundraiser for me to get surgery for MS that isn't offered in Canada (boo Canada!) and I haven't really made any plans to even meet with them to hang out with them...I deserve 2 thumbs down...So to my girls...I MISS YOU and IM SORRY. I call them my Sex and the City friends. I feel as thought I can be my most honest, blunt, sappy with them. I have never been really good at showing my emotions, but I want these ladies in my life for a long time and I feel friends are a well investment!

1 comment:

  1. You are not a bad friend ... I am TOTALLY part to blame, we live .. what? 10 houses away from each other and NEVER get together. Don't worry about us, we all have crap going on and know you have a lot on your plate. I'm going to be a shitty friend and shitty company for awhile, I will apologize now, lol.

    Welcome Back to Blogger, hope you can keep up :)
